Ok, ok already! I have finally taken the plunge and decided to embrace social media beyond just Facebook. Even though I’m a 10 year fb veteran, I am now sharing my art regularly and connecting with other creatives primarily on Instagram, and secondly on Twitter. It’s been a toss up as to which platform to embrace. I mean after all, who has that much time to delve into the cyber world for hours each day? Wouldn’t you rather be painting or pursuing your bliss in the real world? Although I do admit to being somewhat passionate about connecting online and social media has proven a superb way to stay connected with dear friends. “Likes” are fun to get and new followers do give a slight adrenaline rush. 

I did a bit of research and found from other artists that Instagram wins hands down as the best platform to go with. And it really does make sense. Instagram is after all a visual platform and it’s where art fans and artists like to hang out. It’s also not limited to the 140 character post, so I can describe my art in more detail if I want, or comment on someone else’s art. 

I intend to share my process more and record the steps I take making my art. Today, for example, I spent hours just framing watercolors for an art show coming up in June. Watercolors take on a new meaning altogether when they are matted, framed, and set behind glass. They become more of the gems that they already are! 

For front row seats check me out:
Instagram: @abboriginal69
Twitter: @Abbie_artistInstagram screengrab