Like the moon, each one of us is in a specific phase.
Do we know which phase we are in? Are we in a phase of our own choosing?
If I was a lunar phase which one would I be? Waxing? Waning? A full moon or a new moon?
Perhaps we go through cycles where there is no end or beginning, but rather an ongoing flow in this space time continuum.
Today however, I paused in the cycle.
Coming to the close of my 30 paintings in 30 day challenge, I took time to reflect back and set a new intention on what’s next in my path as artist. Contemplating colors while I refilled the wells in my paint palette, I picked out new tubes of colors to try while I cleaned out older colors. I felt a gentle shift while I set up for a new painting phase.
I also refilled the watercolor palettes my students will use. I teach art regularly now.
Sharing and supporting others is a form of pay back and a way to pay it forward.
They say that teachers aren’t in it for the income, bur rather the outcome.
Holding this new intention I will see where this new phase leads me.